
Apple Music Shares a Lot of Data — Change These Privacy Settings Now

Apple Music Shares a Lot of Data - featured

Apple Music shared a lot of data that you may not be aware of. Luckily, you can regain privacy by using the steps in this guide.

Apple Music is a fabulous music service for Apple, Amazon, Android, and Windows users alike. However, the service shares a lot of your listening history and other details. Luckily, you can change the following settings to prevent it.

By changing these settings, you can create more of a private listening experience. These tips are for people with an Apple Music profile. If you don’t have one, you can just leave it alone.

If you forgot you had a profile or no longer want one, you can delete it using the steps in the final section of this article.

Stop Sharing Your Music Activity with Others

The streaming music service automatically shares the song you listen to with others. If they can view your Apple profile, they can see your listening history. Use the following steps to prevent this behavior.

  1. Launch the Apple Music app.launch apple music
  2. Select the Home tab at the bottom and select your profile icon in the top right music profile
  3. It’s important to note that if you don’t have a profile, you don’t need to create one. Then you can use the other steps in this guide for improved privacy.Apple Music Profile Not Set Up
  4. Tap the Edit button under your name at the top of the screen.Edit button apple music profile
  5. Under the Who Can Follow Your Activity section, select People You Approve.people you approve apple music

Now, you have limited your listening activity. Keep in mind that the only way to stop your listening activity completely is to delete your Apple Music profile.

Turn Off Discoverable by Nearby Contacts on iPhone

One setting in Apple Music that’s enabled by default is “Discoverable by nearby contacts” which lets others quickly join on CarPlay by scanning for devices using Bluetooth. The feature doesn’t share your GPS or other data, but if you don’t have CarPlay; you can turn it off.

  1. Open the Settings app on your iPhone and select Music.Music option in settings
  2. Swipe down the screen to the Shared Listening section and toggle off the Discoverable by Nearby Contacts switch.discoverable by nearby contacts

Once you turn it off, followers who want to request tracks over music playback need to scan a QR code on your SharePlay card in the Apple Music app. It’s just something to note if you want to use playlist collaboration.

Stop Sharing Playlists with Followers

When you initially set up your Apple Music profile, you likely picked a few playlists to share with followers. The playlists will display on your followers’ profiles, but you can turn the feature off.

  1. Open your profile in Apple Music.
  2. Select Edit.Edit button apple music profile
  3. Scroll down to the Shared Playlists section and uncheck the ones you no longer want to share with followers.stop sharing playlists apple music
  4. Once you have stopped sharing playlists, tap the Done button in the top right corner.done button

Stop Showing Your Listening Activity

Your listening activity includes songs, albums, and radio stations you listen to. Luckily, you can stop that behavior to have a more private listening experience.

  1. Open your Apple Music profile and tap music profile edit button
  2. Swipe down the screen past your shared playlists. Under the Show On Profile section, toggle off the Listening To switch.Listening To switch
  3. Tap the Done button in the top right to save the change.done button to complete

Delete Your Apple Music Profile

If you would like to stop a lot of the sharing from your profile you can delete it using the following steps. Maybe you forgot you created one or don’t use it and want to get rid of it.

  1. Open your Apple Music profile and tap Edit.Edit button apple music profile
  2. Scroll to the bottom of the screen (past playlists) and tap the Delete Profile button.delete profile
  3. Tap the Delete Profile option when the verification message appears.delete profile verification

Once your profile is deleted, it’s important to mention that you will have 90 days to change your mind and restore it.

Privacy and Apple Music

While using Apple Music may be enjoyable, you may not want to have so much data shared with others. So, use the above steps to help you reclaim your privacy while using the service.

Of course, the profile option gives you some cool sharing features, which is the entire point of creating one. Still, you might not be aware of the amount of shared data, you can adjust it appropriately.

1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. James Wilson

    May 30, 2024 at 9:02 am

    Should NOT be turned on by default! BAD PRIVacy POLICY

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